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speak out informational flyer

 The Women’s Center hosted our second G-Chat of the semester on October 21. The Speak Out was designed to provide space to honor and respect survivors’ frustration with campus culture, policies and protocols that are harmful and hinder trauma-processing. Women’s Center staff Zobia Akhatar, Heavyn McDaniels and Emma McReady planned the event; the latter two co-facilitated the discussion with the help of Stephanie Duisterhof DeAngelis from the University Counseling Center.  At the beginning, attendees agreed on ground rules for the space and shared how they would like to be affirmed (through word and/or gestures). The attendees shared their experiences and were able to provide community and support for each other.


“I just appreciated everyone that showed up. It’s a big thing to share their story. I appreciated that everyone was brave enough and trusted us enough to come into this space and share their stories.” 
