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The Women’s Center supports women at Wake Forest and promotes gender equity. We are dedicated to building community for women and any individuals in our campus community for whom woman is a meaningful identifier or lived experience.  

The Women’s Center hosts programs and initiatives open to students, faculty, and staff at Wake Forest University. We recognize that all programs are not going to speak to every audience, interest, or challenge, but we hope that everyone can find a way to interact with the Center through at least one of our programs. Programs and initiatives in the Women’s Center are organized in 4 major categories: learn, grow, belong, celebrate. The categories represent the intended outcomes for participants, to learn more about specific programs in each category, just use the drop down menu on this website.


Programs are primarily oriented towards education. Many of them use gender as a lens to unpack other concepts. When they talk about identity, these programs do so from an educational approach, so it is appropriate for anyone to attend as long as their motivation is to listen and learn more about the concept.

  • Women’s Health 101
  • G-Chats


Programs are designed to cultivate a sense of belonging, often at the intersections of identities. These programs are often designed for and by specific groups as a space to unpack their identities and are not open to individuals that don’t share the identity being centered.

  • Women of Color Collective
  • Wellbeing for Women of Color


Programs combine learning with practice, offering opportunities to apply feminist concepts in the real world and to learn by doing.

  • Deacon Doulas
  • LEAVEs


Programs highlight and amplify the work and history of women at Wake Forest.  They are events and initiatives that offer a chance for anyone to support the Women’s Center and celebrate women.

  • Wake for Women
  • Women’s History Month