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The Women’s Center is proud to offer a salary negotiation workshop from the American Association of University Women (AAUW). In this workshops, you will learn how to research your target salary, highlight your accomplishments and find the right words — and the confidence — to negotiate for better benefits and pay. Negotiating increases your potential to earn more — and can make the difference for paying off loans, supporting your family, buying what you want and need and saving for the future.

  • One year out of college, women are already paid significantly less than men.
  • The gap grows larger over time during a woman’s career.
  • Women who work full time take home about 82 cents for every dollar a full-time male worker is paid.
  • Unless things change, the pay gap will not close til 2106 — that’s why the AAUW is empowering women nation-wide with salary negotiation skills — and working to change polices and employer culture.

AAUW Start Smart is for college students and recent graduates looking to negotiate their first professional job offer. This 60-75 minute workshop is specifically designed to teach you how to negotiate salaries for a new job. You will gain confidence in your negotiation style through facilitated discussion and role-play.


Check back soon for Fall 2023 dates!